Working Mothers project - PR & Marketing specialist
I loved meeting Victoria, I instantly clicked and I think I could relate so much to her story of her transition. I really think what Victoria has done, having herself and her twins as the focus, has completely turned Victoria's life around but for the better, she has created this balance that just, well, it just WORKS! I can totally relate to being most creative in the evening, I think when you love your job you are happy to do it during your evenings. Victoria has followed her dreams which has allowed her to be the best parent possible and continue on her career she worked so hard to build up. I think it's important to know that when you have children you are still have to give them all your love and attention but just manage things accordingly. Victoria shows that you ARE able to become a successful working mother all whilst raising two amazing adventurous boys.
Job role: A PR and Marketing specialist with over 13 years’ experience working in agencies in the UK and Australia. I’ve been responsible for launching products and services for the likes of Vodafone, Samsung, Yahoo, Moet Hennessey and Bang & Olufsen to name a few.

"Heading back to work was a hugely daunting prospect for me. The maternity leave bubble I had created around me and my babies felt like it was about to pop. And I wasn’t happy about it. Add to that the long commute into London and long hours, the feeling of anxiety grew greater as my start date approached.
Despite a very supportive employer who promised me flexibility and understanding, I came to the realisation that returning to my old work lifestyle was no longer possible. Not just practically, but emotionally. I was (and am) a completely different person since two little boys stole my heart and changed my priorities forever.
So it was with a huge leap of faith I decided to continue in my profession but start my own business. It was definitely scary – mostly worried about being out of touch after my ‘year out’, but with the support of my former employer, the network of contacts I’d made throughout my career and above all a little faith in myself and my abilities I’ve managed to build something I’m pretty proud of. And most importantly, it really works for me and my family. I work from home, I define my hours and choose who I work with. If I don’t want to do it, I don’t.
Don’t get me wrong, it was tough at first. Giving myself the permission to switch off when it was kiddie time and not feeling guilty about the boys heading off to nursery for a few days a week at 9 months old. But it is working and my time is being used most efficiently, I can go to the supermarket in the middle of the day (so much quicker when the boys aren’t there) and I can work after the boys go to bed (when I’m personally at my most creative). Most importantly, if one of the boys need me I can be there in an instant." - Victoria Lugton